Farming by Airship: Autumn Harvest
The Omega7Red website is now officially online. I’m out of still in web development Hell, but now I can blog away about whatever steam-powered, clockwork-wielding, vacuum-tube-based, gun-carrying hottie that I want to. And while I’m still a little unsure about what Aether is exactly, the first official blog goes to Farming. Well, I have a farming background – Rice Farming. Now, this:
Almost looks like it would work. The large maneuvering fans, which look to be made of cloth and windmills, might just keep the airship lined up as it harvested the crop. Though, I wonder what’s being used to cut and collect the crop (can’t see from this angle). Usually, I would expect a cutting header pulled by beasts or tractors. Anyways, it makes for a nice piece of art suitable for the kitchen, and it’s available in print. Available for purchase here.
Tags: Airship, Farm Girl, Farming, Grain, Harvesting, Rice, Run for your Life
Would love to hang this on my kitchen wall!