Happy Cinco de Mayo: Hug a Mexican!
Posted in News, Rant on May 5th, 2009 by Dr. WarthanTags: American, Arizona, Canada, Cinco de Mayo, Culture, French, History, Holiday, Immigration, Law, Mexican, NAFTA, Socialist Pigs, Tradition, War
It’s the 5th of May, and if you live in Mexico, you probably don’t care as Cinco de Mayo isn’t really observed there. However, if you live in the US, then Cinco de Mayo is a day to celebrate the culture and experiences of Americans of Mexican ancestry. However, as you enjoy your food, music, and folkloric dancing, keep in mind the origin of the holiday. May 5th, 1862 – The Battle of Puebla, where the outnumbered Mexicans defeated a much better-equipped French army.

Let’s talk about Mexican’s for a bit.
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