WMD’s Found: It’s an Atomic Bomb!
Posted in Art, AtomicPunk on April 8th, 2009 by Dr. WarthanTags: AtomicPunk, Avoid, Baby Boomers, Bad Idea, End of the World, Nuclear Weapons, President Bush, Soviet, Terrorists, We're All Going to Die, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Wierd People, Zombies
The GOGBOT Festival in Enschede, NL – now with Nuclear Weapons! I was searching for more SteamPunk related stuff to report on and I came across the GOGBOT Festival hosted by PlanetArt. According to the description, it’s supposed to be some kind of SteamPunk related exhibition – well, it was in 2008. I think they’re doing AtomPunk (Dutch version of AtomicPunk) in 2009, but they’re foreigners (Dutch) who think differently than us. In any case, they are now clearly communist scumbags who are armed with a “Fat Man” type atomic weapon with a blast yield of 21-kilotons.

PLANETART presents the 5th edition of the GOGBOT festival in Enschede 18-21 September 2008. More than 150 artists, performers, musicians and other creative spirits will show their talents at 10 locations of the free entrance expo’s. GOGBOT will show robotics, electronic music and audio art, virtual worlds, freakshows, inter-active installations, live-cinema, streetart, gaming, performances, keynote speakers, lectures, steampunk videoclips, DJ’s, VJ’s, parties, lots of steam, and more….
It sounds like fun. However, digging deeper, I looked into PlanetArt’s Photostream hosted on Flickr and found out what it’s really about. I found bunny rabbit zombies, dead animals, a tree growing out a person’s butt, rape immortalized in bronze, Iraqi political statements, Hitler, Jihad memorabilia, and I kid you not – a naked guy with a blow-up sheep doll on his woo-hoo. Looks like PlanetArt and/or the Dutch are a bunch of really sick people. I personally recommend against going to the GOGBOT Festival; but if you go, let me know…