Iron Sky: Nazis from the Moon
Posted in Movie on April 11th, 2012 by Dr. WarthanTags: Airship, Nazi, Sarah Palin
Why? Because it has airships in it. And the Nazis ruined airships for us. So I’m going to watch it when this movie comes out, just so I can see Nazis get their ass kicked. Iron Sky tells a story of how the Nazis sent some backup Nazis to the moon to hold out and build up forces so that they could one day come back and win World War II.
Whatever. It’s some kind of goofy Mars Attacks take on Nazis in some kind of post-war Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow style. I doubt I’ll see it in the theaters unless they change up the trailers, or if I’m really bored. Although, just looking at the poster makes us wonder exactly what will happen.
The trailer reveals Airships (oooooh), gears (aaaaaah), space stations, space battles, A-10 Thunderbolt II Warthogs, hot blonde Nazi cheerleaders, a token black guy, they blow up the Statue of Liberty and make fun of Sarah Palin.

UPDATE: I watched it. Totally worth it. ΩΩΩΩ½ – Four and one-half Omegas.
Via: iWatchStuff