War of the Worlds: Goliath – by HeavyMetal
H.G. – You’re about to have your ass handed to you…

It’s an R-rated, retro-history, [1914 steampunk epic], fourteen years after the first failed Martian invasion. Mankind has rebuilt her cities and [the military is] adapting a lot of the abandoned Martian technology… Think of “Band of Brothers” meets “Star Wars”… It will be cool, steam-powered battle tripods, doomed Cossack cavalry charges, Victorian deco, steampunk Manhattan, 1,500-foot-long armored battle zeppelins, Teddy Roosevelt, souped up tri-planes, blood on steaming metal, sex in the cockpit. The usual… It will have a budget of around $3 million, and be produced by Tripod Entertainment… and is being co-produced by Kevin Eastman (owner of Heavy Metal).
I really hope they get this one right. The 1st Heavy Metal was cool, but old. The 2nd was more modernized, but did little to hold my interest. However THIS should be a big win; I just don’t see how it ties into the other two – maybe there’s a hottie in there somewhere with a steamwork sword… Check it out: “War of the Worlds: Goliath”
Tags: Biplanes, Death to the World, End of the World, H.G. Wells, Movie, Science Fiction, War of the Worlds, WWI
Sounds awesome! Can’t wait!
Dr. Warthan’s Omega7Red SteamPunk Blog » Blog Archive » War of the Worlds: Goliath – by HeavyMetal great article thank you.