Professor X Wheelchair and Bar (1875)
No matter how fun your next SteamPunk event is, chances are you’re going to be doing a lot of standing. Daniel Valdez has the right idea. He can sit down, pour himself drinks, and move about freely. He’s not just wearing his technology, he’s making it work for him.
The Steampunk Professor Xavier Wheelchair by Daniel Valdez was made from a Victorian rocker from 1875, a Permobil C300 powered wheelchair, some pistons from a steelworks, an Arduino-based audio kit, and a drinks dispenser. You know, for the vodka and cranberry juice.
Via: Geekologie
Not to mention it’s a beautiful and creative piece of work. Seriously, I want one.
Tags: Awesome, Cool, Drinks, Freedom, Mobility, Professor X, Style, Vodka, Waking Up in Strange Places, Wheelchair, Xavier
I saw this at DragonCon, and had major wheelchair envy. My friends did a decent job steampunking my wheelchair, but I was blown away by this one… now I’m even more jealous knowing it also dispenses drinks and has a sound system!